Career opportunities

  • Financial Services Overview: The financial services industry, as well as financial disciplines common to all industries (such as accounting), have long histories of attracting energetic and ambitious people who are looking for the best career opportunities. Focusing on the financial services industry, here are a few of its most significant selling points for prospective employees.
    Compensation: The industry is noted for compensation structures that are, overall, much more generous than in other sectors of the economy. See our more in-depth discussion ofcompensation for details.
    Advancement: Compared to other industries, the financial industry tends to place less weight on seniority in judging the readiness of employees for advancement. High performers can move ahead regardless of age. As a result, working in financial services can be particularly attractive for ambitious young people in a hurry.
    Bureaucracy: Many of the leading firms tend to be relatively thinly-staffed. There are comparatively few layers of management. Decision-making tends to be rather quick. Your opportunities for getting face time in front of senior management also tend to be excellent. That is, these firms do not normally operate in a highly formalized, chain of command fashion which is more typical of slower-footed traditional industrial companies. You also are more likely to juggle multiple responsibilities within a given job category, often ranging far beyond the officialjob description, compared to the norms in other companies. Bureaucracy should be an important consideration in choosing employers.
    Pace: A premium is placed on quick thinking, quick acting, and constant production of results. This can be trying for some people, exhilarating for others. The thin staffing and comparative lack of bureaucracy requires exceptionally hard work, focus and commitment to stay afloat, let alone to succeed. For those who do, however, the rewards are commensurately great.