Seminar series for colleges


Subject : Introduction to Derivative Products

(along with advanced methods and financial models)

This 3 hrs class examines these intricate and complex products; from futures and listed equity options to interest rate and credit default swaps. The session begins with a review of the instruments from each product groups, detailing contract characteristics and their implications for risk and return. We then proceed to explore the marketplace for each derivative product to understand how market participants evaluate and employ the various derivative contracts in hedging and speculative strategies. The program  will provide each participant with an appreciation of the difference and similarities of these products      as well as the trade trading and risk management applications.
Within each derivative product category the presentation will unfold as follows: 

provide an overview of the derivative product, contract features, related terms and definitions; discuss the investment characteristics, market/economic factors that determine fair value (arbitrage pricing), risk/return trade offs and gain/loss profiles; trading and risk management applications.
   -Types of Derivatives- -Characteristics of Derivatives Contracts and Markets
     -Market Participants and How Their Trading Impacts Markets

Derivative Instruments Terms and Characteristics
   -Types of Derivative Contracts-Futures -  Equity Options-Futures Options

       -Listed Trading
        -Standardized contracts
        -Futures/options trading screens
        -Electronic exchanges/trading
        -Option strategies in different market scenarios
        -Order origination and execution
        -Black Scholes formula with models

        -Option Greeks

for college administrators,


We would like to ask for your permission to allow us to conduct a lecture about advance methodology approach of stock market and financial modeling. We do believe that this endeavor may help the students to understand the complexities of stock market and derivative markets.

Preferable dates

  • Jan 6-30, 2013
  • Mar1-26, 2013

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